I apologize for not posting more often! And I can't use the excuse I'm too busy...there is always time to write a nice letter to my friends, right?
Actually we have been pretty busy since my last post from January!!! We had a great three months ministering in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and on our way home, North Carolina. We worked on our Florida cottage, took time to visit with friends, meet new friends; truly enjoyed our time south.
We have been back home (Wisconsin) since April! Since then we've been to many churches in WI, IL, IA, and MN! Busy!!! Had family gatherings, visits with my mom, and our oldest grandson graduated from High School. We had two weeks away from home. One was for vacation and one was to attend Bible Camp. We are both in good health and we are enjoying the warm 'up north' weather.
Actually we have been pretty busy since my last post from January!!! We had a great three months ministering in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and on our way home, North Carolina. We worked on our Florida cottage, took time to visit with friends, meet new friends; truly enjoyed our time south.
We have been back home (Wisconsin) since April! Since then we've been to many churches in WI, IL, IA, and MN! Busy!!! Had family gatherings, visits with my mom, and our oldest grandson graduated from High School. We had two weeks away from home. One was for vacation and one was to attend Bible Camp. We are both in good health and we are enjoying the warm 'up north' weather.
Awhile ago I was challenged on a social site by a friend to find one word for the day that would sync with their word so the two words coming together would make some sense! As you know there are 365 days in a year; using one word for each day! That's a lot of words to come up with! And the challenge is to come up with a new word every day! No repeats!
I have two little sheets of paper that I'm using to jot down the words for each day. I look at it because at my age I can't even remember the word I picked for yesterday. Two little pieces of paper that have, oh about...after using the calculator...190 words. Not a lot at all! We probably use that many words when we first get up in the morning. My personal challenge is to find the word from my daily Bible reading, wherever I am in the Bible that day! Try to find a word; sometimes not knowing what my friend's word is!
Believe me it's not easy! Especially since I can't reuse a word! It is amazing how the two words do come together though! My list contains the usual words we might think of like: love, praise, grateful, thankful, wait, endure; words like that. Some were different: riddle, cost, me, lips, snares, buy. Depends, like I said, on what my friend uses. One day they chose that long word from Mary Poppins: supercalafrag...etc. (I'm not going to spell it out); that's when I chose the word riddle!
My word-for-the-day challenge is to have it make sense but for it to also have meaning. Not just a random word from my reading, but for the word to challenge me throughout the day, or encourage me. Words like wait, stand, and know.
During Pentecost the words flowed together for three days! 'With one accord' from Acts 2:1. On June 7 (Saturday) I chose 'with' and they chose 'commence'. Together the two words are: commence with. On Sunday the word I chose was 'one' and they chose 'consecrate'. Together it's: consecrate(d) one. On Monday I chose 'accord' and they chose 'validate'. Together it read like this: validate (with one) accord! Interesting.
It may seem like a silly challenge, but I'm committed to it. Maybe at the end of the year I'll write a story using the word-for-the-day list and see how it looks.
Hope you enjoyed the story of my little challenge. Maybe you will be challenged in your heart to find a word for the day that will help you and encourage you to be stronger and better for Him.
Psalm 119:11: Your word I have hidden in my heart...