Where in the world are we?

With this blog I hope to communicate where we are and the opportunities we have had in traveling across America and around the world.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today's blog will be on our trip to Ethiopia, Africa. Yes, we were there in December 2010, but I thought today would be a good day to write about it! And besides, I keep a short daily diary of what we do every day (well, not everything but you know what I mean); it helps me remember what we did.

1 December 2010: Day One.

This is the day we fly to Ethiopia, Africa. Can you believe it? Our missionary friend from Florida, Dr. John as we affectionately call him, helped arrange this trip. We'll be ministering with our soon to be friends Bob & Rhonda Thomas. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to go to Africa as a missionary; maybe because of the stories I heard when missionaries would visit our church. Trust me, day one was a full, busy day.

Actually, it was pretty normal to begin with. Got ready for the day, sent out our weekly ministry update, went to work...did normal stuff; made sure my Facebook page was updated and packed my carryon bag. We ate a little bit, relaxed some; then jumped in the car to drive to the local bus terminal for our 2 1/2 hr ride to O'Hare airport in Chicago.

Everything went very smoothly at check-in, security, and the gate...we finally boarded by 8:30 pm (CST). While on board we ate some, rested some, and occupied our time with reading and watching the inflight movie. It was a pretty good flight!

We arrived in London 6 hrs later (by my watch), about 11 am local time but couldn't check in until 6 pm! To make the time go faster we walked a lot, read, and watched people. Finally, we are able to check-in for the next leg of our journey. After check-in, we went to eat at a TGIF restaurant. Unaware that the exchange rate is not good for the US dollar we ate a hamburger and a soda at a cost of $40. Needless to say we were shocked at the cost, but it is a memory!

We finally board the plane at 9 pm (Thursday, Dec. 2) and fly over Europe and North Africa. We arrived safely at 7:15 am; got our visa, immigration stamps, and our luggage. Dr. John & Missionary Bob Thomas met us at the airport and brought us to Dr. John's house. We unpacked, visited, and had something to eat. I was so excited, too, because I got to brush my teeth for the first time in three days (well, it seemed like it anyway).

There is the first installment of a two week adventure in Africa. There are very exciting days ahead in this story, including: having the electric and water go out, eating new foods, and meeting the warm, friendly people of Ethiopia.

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