Where in the world are we?

With this blog I hope to communicate where we are and the opportunities we have had in traveling across America and around the world.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I have the wierdest life...in a good way!

Really, I do have a wierd life. Maybe an 'interesting' or 'different' life would be a way of saying it better. Let me explain...

On our travels we meet a lot of interesting and fun people. Every place we go it's such a joy to interact with all kinds of folk; from the midwest, south, east, or west; overseas...whatever. Each place and person is unique and we love it.

Lot's of times when we are in conversation with people we find that we know people they know. That makes the world very small in some ways. Often I've said [not that we would] that we can't talk about anyone because the person you are talking to probably knows them!!!

So, how is my life wierd? It's in the different circles of friends I have. Be it work, school, church, public areas, acquaintances, etc.; we move around in different circles. To me, it's a great way to live. We get to meet and interact with so many others.

Just yesterday the interaction I had made me think about how wonderful my life really is. Not going into too many details, but I had a short conversation with someone not in my usual circle of friends. They called me by my first name, "Beth"; it took me by surprise in some ways because of who it was and their vocation. It wasn't anything bad, just 'wierd' [yes...different is better]. The interaction made me smile; because it's a great life I'm living!

And by 'wierd' I really do mean 'different' or 'unique' so don't get me wrong and try to start something (ha, ha)!!! And hopefully using the word 'wierd' won't be offensive.

Anyway, my life is no different than your's; each of us has our 'wierd, different, unique, or interesting' moments as we interact with people each day. And it can be in a good way!

Jesus had a lot of wierd encounters and he took advantage of the opportunity to pour his love into those moments. I hope in my 'wierdly-different' life I can do the same thing on a daily--moment by moment--basis.