Where in the world are we?

With this blog I hope to communicate where we are and the opportunities we have had in traveling across America and around the world.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

We Made It!

Actually we've been in Florida for about 3 weeks; I should have posted earlier! Our trip down was delayed by three days due to weather conditions. When traveling to our southeast ministry we usually try to schedule a service about one-third of the way down so we don't have two 10-12 hr. driving days. Because of two snow storms in the mid-west our services were cancelled. [We enjoyed attending our home-church service on Sunday though.] Then, or should I say--still, the weather was a brutally cold -20 as a real temperature, then add a wind chill and the temps dropped to between 40 & 50 below. That delayed us another day. Besides that our usual travel route through Illinois was covered in snow, with major highways closed.

We changed our route by traveling west to near St. Louis, MO then back east again into southern IL (past the 10" of snow). We did encounter snow covered roads and a few patches of ice, but Bill was driving so it was all good!

All that to say we are in Florida and enjoying our version of the polar vortex. I know, "don't whine", but it's cold here, too (for Florida). Freezing temps at night, wind chills; crazy. Having to wear cold weather attire in the Sunshine State is not by choice! Bring on the flip-flops, shorts, and sleeve-less tops... Okay, I'll stop now! Believe me when I say, though, that I feel for all of our family and friends up north who are dealing with this winter. Be smart, stay safe, and travel only if you have to!

My main reason for this blog, though, is to say with utmost humility and sincerity that Bill and I have been on the Daniel Fast from January 1-21. Which means we did not eat any meat, bread, or sweets. Actually it's the Ultimate Daniel Fast (feel free to search under that name for more information). We fasted from many of our favorite foods such as coffee, dairy products, soda, processed foods; normal food for most of Americans! We did eat though! A lot of beans, rice, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Lot's of new recipes that I will incorporate into our normal daily diet.

How people fast is altogether up to the individual of course and there are a myriad of different ways to fast. Because of health issues, people who need to eat to take medications may fast from caffeine, soda, social media, TV, etc. It's not necessarily just food! Like I said, how people fast are as varied as people.

The purpose of fasting is to get closer to God by voluntarily depriving ourselves and showing Him we are sincere and committed to getting closer. The focus of fasting is not the deprivation, but the time of prayer that replaces the eating (or the 'giving-up'). The praying is how we get closer to God. And it's not to be confused with, "well I gave this up for you, now what are you going to do for me?"--NO! With a humble attitude we are thankful for the opportunity to show God we are sincere and willing to 'give-up' for His sake. Look at what He gave up for us!!!

What have I learned? That it's not easy, but it is easy!!! Make sense? The not easy part was knowing my dependency on certain foods had to be replaced by being dependent on Him. Not easy was taking the extra time to humble myself and pray during the day, instead of eating or snacking. Not easy was trying to fast but also trying not to be obvious about it when we were invited out to a meal. [As a side note: when driving down here we had a little difficulty finding places to eat that met the requirements of no bread, no meat, no sweets! On the two occasions when eating out we had to veer a little to accommodate the menu!!! Ask me about that when you see me next!!!]

The easy part was shopping and making the recipes for the foods we could eat. All these years of eating rather plain, everyday meals; it's not that hard eating healthier! Easy was doing it together as a couple, I didn't have to make two meals. Easy was meeting with God in prayer, being in His presence; realizing His love for me. Any denial or effort on my part is not to be applauded, it's just something you do. It's not to be compared to anything earth shattering or for accolades. It's to bring me closer to Him who loves me, regardless. That's just the way He is! His promises are true!

Here is a scripture from Matthew that may help. Jesus had just given the Sermon on the Mount and was talking about fasting.
  • Matthew 6:16-18, "...when you fast...your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

We are grateful for the opportunity and experience of this adventure and we look ahead to all that will be accomplished because of it. Not of what we did, but because He is faithful.


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