Where in the world are we?

With this blog I hope to communicate where we are and the opportunities we have had in traveling across America and around the world.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Retro 5

8 December 2010. Actually, the last day or so I wasn't feeling well. Today, Wednesday, I stayed at Dr. John's while Bill went to chapel. That evening, though, after some rest and tea & toast I was feeling much better. We went to Missionary Bob & Rhonda Thomas' home for a meal. Very nice. Tonight was an early night because of the rolling black-outs that happen across the city; meaning no electricity.

9 December 2010. Still feeling a little sick...get up and get moving, have a little more tea & toast and go to the Bible College with Bill. While we wait in Bob's office, he and Dr. John go to teach their class. We meet up again for chapel. After a snack we shared with the student body, Bill went to a meeting/teaching session with the General Superintendent of the Ethiopian Assemblies of God and about a dozen Assembly of God leaders and pastors. It was a thrill for him to be able to speak into their lives, ministering and helping any way he could. I went back to Bob's office to get on the internet and send some emails!!! That evening, after our supper meal, we preached at another local church. Very exciting!

10 December 2010. Still feeling the effects of whatever I had, but not enough to slow me down; continued on with our day. This is our last day on campus and for Bill to minister at chapel. The faculty and students presented us with a gift of Ethiopian coffee and tea...excellent! Today I sang a song for them...powerful message of 'going' when God says 'go'. Most of the students understood the words because they know the English language. Because of service starting at 5:30 pm we ate our supper a little earlier. At service tonight, the people were all so very excited and thankful that we came to minister to them. All I was thinking was how they were ministering to me: with their faithfulness, warmth, excitement and their passion for the things of God. The people were responding to God's holy presence; and to the worship. They asked me to sing a song for this service...not sure if they understood the words, but it truly was an honor and priviledge to sing for them. They were all very appreciative. They also had a singing guest in attendance...the people knew who he was if we didn't! A popular Christian recording artist from Ethiopia. He sure could sing!!! They were also recording the event...kind of like a music video. The man was very impressive! Home by 8:30 pm, did some reading and went to sleep.

Remember, within all of these daily reports is a lot of Dr. John & the Thomas' taking very good care of us. Feeding, housing, driving us where we need to go; missionaries are the true heroes of the faith!

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