Where in the world are we?

With this blog I hope to communicate where we are and the opportunities we have had in traveling across America and around the world.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Retroactive Part 4

6 December 2010. Monday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was the beginning of a gloriously, busy week. Bill was scheduled as the guest chapel speaker at AABC (Addis Ababa Bible College). After a wonderful breakfast at Dr. John's house we arrived on campus for the 10 am chapel service. The staff and students were truly excited about meeting us and waiting to hear what God had to say to them. At this service, Bill was able to teach in English because the students know the language. After chapel we went back 'home' to rest some, eat a light lunch, and do some sight-seeing with Dr. John. He brought us to the future dental clinic (John is a dentist); the university where he teaches dentistry; and stopped at a couple of local shops. How he ever found these two places? We may never know! They were down some very narrow streets and alleys...but once we got there...oh my! One was a weaving shop that made hand-woven items: tablecloths, scarves...beautiful! The second place was a pottery shop, amazing, hand-painted items: little dishes, napkin holders, coffee pots, cups; the hand-crafting was beautiful. Bought a couple of things there...I love pottery! Back to the house for our evening meal, to watch a video, and catch our emails. Another wonderful day in Africa!

7 December 2010. Bill spoke at chapel (AABC) on Tuesday, as well. Because Missionary Bob Thomas and Dr. John were teaching that day we needed to get there earlier. Up and out of the house by 8:30 am. While we waited in Bob's office for chapel to start we got online and checked our emails and Facebook. It's such a great way to communicate across the miles; keeping everyone updated and knowing all is okay at home, too. Chapel was exciting, again! Each day more staff and students were attending. It was a great honor for us to be there; seeing the excitement and hunger of each one wanting to learn more! A wonderful lesson for us, too. That evening we attended, and Bill spoke at, another local church. There was singing, praying and then the message. The service was truly exciting. Their style of singing may be different from ours, and we can't understand the words, but we still worship the same Saviour! Back to Dr. John's; lights across the area go out again, a sure sign it's time for bed! What a truly awesome experience being in Africa!

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